Tourné le 14 août 2012 • Södermalm, Stockholm
Finaly, during my summer trip in Sweden, I got the chance to film a session with Amanda. Amanda is starting to get quite big around Sweden and UK, so she's been busy touring. And now she's coming to Paris in September! perfect timing then to make these videos for french promotion.

We met in a little basement rehearsing place in Södermalm. I was quite worried about the location, because studios are usually not super nice looking, and it was in deed not super nice...

BUT Thank you Martin, from Labrador, for suggesting candles decorations! I brought a few that I put all over the piano, turned off the light, and it was perfect!
A very intimate atmosphere that suits perfectly her soft music and delicate voice.

Amanda Mair

Découverte par le label Labrador en 2010, Amanda Mair ne tarde pas à sortir un premier single "House" suivi de "Doubt" en octobre 2011.

Avec des mélodies éclairées par la lumière du soleil et une voix qui va droit au cœur, ce n'est rien de moins que de la magie pure.

Elle sort son 1er album produit par Philip Ekström à la rentrée 2012.