Tourné le 7 septembre 2023 • Lövvik, Västernorrland
It's always a pleasure to make new videos with artists I have already filmed. For Frida Selander, this is the 3rd time we film a session together and for the occasion I went to visit her further north in Sweden in the county of Västernorrland where she lives.

We explore the surrounding area in search of a nice place typical of Swedish nature and start by a lake surrounded by pine trees. Beautiful sunny day and idyllic setting for this intimate session with the song “Hjärtat Mitt”. Then we finished among the twigs and on the electric guitar for the song "Bortom Fysiken" from Frida's latest album "Det Börjar i Dig" released last year.


Frida Selander

Frida Selander est une artiste qui a grandi à Holmsund et vit à Umeå. Accompagnée de sa guitare, son style rock est influencée par Patti Smith, Neil Young et Nina Simone.

Depuis 2011 elle sort ses albums sous son propre label Amasonora, 11 albums dont les deux derniers en suédois.

Son dernier album "Det Börjar i Dig" sorti en 2023 est un disque et une performance qui sont bien plus que le petit voyage d'une personne du chagrin de l'amour au bonheur de la solitude.